On the account that I have nothing better to do...
Hey folks!
I bet you were all eagerly anticipating my update... not. :-P I've actually spent most of my mornings just sleeping in, which has been an incredible blessing because I was sick of having to wake up at 6:30 every morning. This break has been excellent for me, hehe. I realized something this Sunday. Everybody has a calling. I bet you're all like, what? But seriously. Think about how many people are in the world and every single one of them has a specific God-given purpose... and every one of those purposes was derived from a personal desire to do something that God placed in their hearts. Isn't that amazing? Okay well, I think it is. So there was one specific thought that I had when I hit that point of realization.
Follow your heart's desires. It is God-given. It echos through your soul.
Anyway, I didn't do much today. I saw the Czech Team leave this afternoon. It was exciting, but sad at the same time. A part of me wanted to go with them but I knew I couldn't... boo. Well, that's all on this end... Oh! I broke my car's CD player today... but then I fixed it. Hehe. Woo! Looks like my electronics education is paying off :-P Anyway, I gotta jet. I'm thirsty. Oh! Oh! Frankie and Anna are getting married in 5 days! So I get to see Zay in 4! hehe. Welp, I'm off.
I'm Home!
Yup, I'm home! I got here around 1 this morning. It would have been about 12:30 but I took the wrong turn on North Ave and ended up on Rt 83 somehow. Yeah, that was fun. I backtracked and made it okay :-P When I got here, I realized I didn't bring my pillow so I just used a folded blanket for the night cuz I didn't wanna wake my mom up. She keeps all the extra pillows and stuff in their closet and I didn't wanna walk in there since it was so late and all. I got up about an hour ago so... I think it might be a good idea to clean up a little :-P
I'm planning on working on my car a little today. I may just go and change the oil and leave the whole cleaning the radiator until tomorrow. Plus, I hafta go renew my license sometime before next week. Oh, it's Sam's birhday! He's turning... 19? Yeah... I've known him since we were babies and I still forget how old he is. It's not like it's hard, he's the same age as Paul, der. Yeah, so we're going to a buffet to celebrate his almost adulthood. hehe. So yeah, lots to do today.
Catch ya guys latah!
And the Term Comes To An End!
Summer break is almost here! :-D I leave for home tomorrow! hehe. Anyway, I probably won't update tomorrow cuz I'll be on the road most of the day :-P The last day of class is tomorrow but we took our final today, which I actually feel pretty confident about. Turns out, I could get a 41 on the final and still pass the class with a 'B' but I don't want that. Shootdang, I'm going for that 'A' since it's in my grasp. And yes, I said shootdang.
Anyway, we're going to get our test results tomorrow. We'll be goofing off the last day of class and I figure that it's a good start to the summer break. I can't express how nice it is to be getting out of here for awhile. Oh yeah, so tomorrow will be full of movies and video games and a cookout! hehe. Yeah, we're going to grill some burgers and hot dogs at the park and just hang out and relax. I'd say that's a good last day of class. We're going to watch Red vs Blue for a little while in the morning and then the main movie: Spaceballs. After the movie, we're all heading to the park for food and more involved activities like frisbee! I'm excited ^_^ There's really not much else to say... I do hope that Zay has been able to order those plane tickets though... it would be poopy if she wasn't able to go to Frankie & Anna's wedding. Cuz you know, I wouldn't want to see her or anything :-P
That's all from my neck of the woods. Next time I update will probably be from home!
Another Eventful Day in Tulsa
Class goes on as usual. Actually, it's almost over! My final is tomorrow and I'm not too worried about it surprisingly. I think I'll be okay for the most part. Then on Thursday, we're going to have a movie day/cookout! woo! Then after that, I'm driving directly home, crazy huh? Man, it'll be so good to be home for longer than 24 hours.
Oh, exciting news! Zay has finally gotten her phone! hehe. I think I posted her number before, but for all of you who don't want to go scrolling through other posts her number is:
(630) 207-3108
and if you want her address for the summer, it's:
Zay Achgill
c/o Andy Milvoix
152 Cliston St. Apt #2
Malden, MA 02148
For those of you who ever feel like making some contact with me, my number is:
(630) 207-3109
I doubt you'd want to send me anything, so I'll skip my address. ^_^ Anyway, I better go. I should study at least a little bit... Over the stuff from the beginning of the term anyway.
Catch y'all later!
Some Thoughts
So one of my roommates went to see his kid graduate from High School this past weekend and got some movies from his son. One of them was the Tuskegee Airmen. I hadn't ever seen it, but I did hear some pretty good reviews. I didn't really know anything about the the Tuskegee Airmen. In fact, I thought it was just going to be another of those WWII warplane movies. I was only partially correct.
Turns out the movie is centered and based around the 99th Fighter Squadron and 332nd Fighter Group. These groups were an all Black fighter group. Meaning, all the pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group were colored. So what I thought was going to be just a shoot'em up movie turned out to express motifs that I could specifically relate: social racism, trials, perseverence, overcoming hardships, and respect.
It's taken a long time to see. And I think I've been slowly realizing it all this time, but watching this movie made me reflect on the current racial issues. Has it gotten better? I think by a little. Is it still there? Yes, most definitely. However, it's not the racism that I think society has come to define. It's taboo to be racist. It's such a taboo that parents make it very hush hush and discourage their kids from ever talking about people of different colors.
To make an example, I was out with a few friends. We were helping a classmate move since his family lived in Claremore (about 30 minutes north of Tulsa). Well, they were kind enough to pay for our breakfast. His youngest son, four at the time, took to liking me right away. This was evident in the fact that he wouldn't stop talking to me. I liked him from the start... he kinda reminded me of myself when I was that age. I feel old having said that... hehe. Anyway, we were at the breakfast/lunch restaurant (Hugo's - amazing place by the way - awesome food for cheap!) and we had sat down waiting for our seats. Out of nowhere, he turns around and asks me, "Why are you so dark?" and after seeing the slightly confused look on my face and then smile, followed with, "You're a different color than me." Not really knowing what to say, having never fielded a question like that before, I told him that I just like to tan a lot. He obviously didn't get it cuz he responded with a "But I turn red when I go out in the sun." So I started to explain to him that people aren't all the same color. That people in different parts of the world are different colors and that each has their own kewl culture. He didn't get it cuz he just kept asking away and saying that he was white and that I wasn't. Hehe.
Well his mother, after overhearing our conversation quickly pulled him to the side and had a quick word with him. I couldn't tell what she was saying, but fact of the matter is she didn't want him talking about that topic. I was having a blast with it because, well... he's 4 years old. He doesn't know better, but he was curious. And I wanted him to understand. Needless to say, he didn't talk about the subject anymore and he looked kinda mad/irritated. I didn't press the issue because his mom would've been kinda mad I guess.
Anyway, that's the new face of racism I believe. It's not an up front, in your face way of speaking(however, I believe that is still alive as well, just look at the KKK). It's hush, hush... and kept under wraps. I understand why his mother did that, but honestly, I would have liked to just talk about it. So I believe racism is not just up front. I get looks nearly everywhere I go. As if there's something wrong with me. It's not something I hold against people; in fact, I've grown accustomed to it. But if you're curious, just ask. Or if you don't like me because I'm different, just say so. It's a lot easier to confront and discuss about if the topic is thrown out there rather than, oh... but it's taboo, I shouldn't say anything. Yes, I might get mad. Yes, you might get mad. But you know what? Better get mad and discuss the issue rather than skirt around it.
So those are my two cents. Crazy I got all that from a movie huh? hehe. If you have any comments or want to discuss it some more, please leave comments, e-mail me, or give me a call. My number is (630) 207-3109. I'm usually available after 3pm Central Time.
Hope all you guys made it down here, I know that was a fair bit of writing. :-P
I also hope to hear from ya. :-)
Another Monday...
I'd just like to start by saying that Five Iron Frenzy is an amazing band.
With that out of my system, it's just another Monday. I had to take apart my pretty amplifier today, that was kinda sad. That reminds me, I have to print out the schematic for my instructor... apparently he wants to keep all of our designs. Let's see, what else did we do in class... Oh, we touched on solid state switching circuits. We talked about the 555 timer and it's uses, then we did some circuit analysis with it. In the afternoon we did some fault checks on the NIDA trainer using an op-amp circuit. I'm sure this is so exciting for you guys though, hehe. I enjoy it though ^_^ However, I'm definitely looking forward to going home in only a few days! :-D It feels like it's been so long since I've been home for an extended period of time. I suppose two weeks is kinda short, but I'm glad for the chance to kick back and hang. I also have the chance to work on my car a little bit! Woohoo! hehe. I've missed being able to just clean and work on my car. Yeah, I'm a gearhead too :-P I like doing stuff like that. What can I say? I'm a guy. Hopefully, the job I'm looking at after break will go through so I can get into the aviation field and start making my mark ;-) however small the ripple, a ripple is a ripple right? hehe. Anyway, that job will let me pay for some bills and allow me to get stuff for my car so that Zay, Paul, and I can do some stuff to it, hehe.
I think I got sidetracked. What was I saying? Oh... right. Um... so yeah, I don't have much else to say, I think. Oh, Zay should be getting her phone today I think. That'll be happy ^_^ for those of you who are wondering, her cell number is (630) 207-3108 and mine is (630) 207-3109, nice huh? hehe. Welp... I suppose I should go cook something. I kinda woke up late today and I didn't have time to make anything for lunch so I'm running on fumes for now. Not too smart, I know... but ah well. I can deal.
Catcha folks later!
Something to Ponder
So I was just surfing through blogs and I found this interesting quote and article that another blogger stumbled upon.
A pattern of late marriage may actually increase the rate of divorce. During that initial decade of physical adulthood, young people may not be getting married, but they're still falling in love. They fall in love, and break up, and undergo terrible pain, but find that with time they get over it. They may do this many times. Gradually, they get used to it; they learn that they can give their hearts away, and take them back again; they learn to shield their hearts from access in the first place. They learn to approach a relationship with the goal of getting what they want, and keep their bags packed by the door. By the time they marry they may have had many opportunities to learn how to walk away from a promise. They've been training for divorce.
Let's Have More Teen Pregnancy
Frederica Matthewes-Green
Anyway, I thought this was a good thought provoker. Don't take the title too seriously, it is designed to be an attention getter... and she makes quite a few good points. So read the article! :-)
Uneventful Saturday... ahh....
So today was pretty much a do nothing day. I ended up waking at about noon and then watched the Cubs game later that afternoon. Unfortunately, they lost to the Yankees (8-1) so to recover from such a horrific loss, Ken and I went out to scout cars and look at electronics stuff (cuz I'm a nerd like that). And that was pretty much my day. I still have to make dinner, but seeing as how rations are a little scarce, I think rice and whatever leftover meat that the Doc cooked will have to do for a few days.
While we were riding around, I saw the moon! It was nice to see and reminded me of Zay and how we're half a country apart. That made me sad, but then I thought, "I get to see her soon!" and that made me smile. It kinda stinks that I finally get the internet here and then the summer comes along and she has to go... poop-on-a-stick. So... yeah. I'm done complaining and I'm gonna go make dinner now :-D
A little story about Racism
A white woman, about 50 years old, was seated next to a black man. Obviously disturbed by this, she called the air hostess. "Madam, what is the matter," the hostess asked. "You obviously do not see it then?" she responded. "You placed me next to a black man. I do not agree to sit next to someone from such a repugnant group. Give me an alternative seat."
"Be calm please," the hostess replied. "Almost all the places on this flight are taken. I will go to see if another place is available." The Hostess went away and then came back a few minutes later.
"Madam, just as I thought, there are no other available seats in the economy class. I spoke to the captain and he informed me that there is also no seat in the business class. All the same, we still have one place in the first class."
Before the woman could say anything, the hostess continued, "It is not usual for our company to permit someone from the economy class to sit in the first class. However, given the circumstances, the captain feels that it would be scandalous to make someone sit next to someone so disgusting."
She turned to the black man and said "Therefore, Sir, if you would like to, please collect your hand luggage, a seat awaits you in first class." At that moment, the other passengers who were shocked by what they had just witnessed stood up and applauded.
Can I get a w00t! w00t!? hehe.
And Here's the Weekend
So it's the weekend! That's always exciting. I'm probably just gonna end up sitting on my butt all weekend and relax for just a little bit. Maybe scavenge around for food, who knows, it could be really exciting :-P I finally got around to filing my FAFSA today, that was uber-fun. The greatest deal is that summer break is in 6 days!! BOOYAH! After that, I'll have the great opportunity to work as an Avionics Tech for a company. I'm hoping that it works out that way anyway ^_^
I promised a dude that I'd teach him to drive a manual transmission today too. That should prove to be interesting. I think teaching Zay to drive my car helped me figure out how to explain the procedure better. I just finished taking a test today too. I hope I did well... I don't think it was too bad. Most of the information was straight off the quizzes we've been taking so I think I did well. I suppose I'll find out on Monday huh? hehe. Anyway, I gotta swing by Financial Aid and see what's up. As my brother would say, "Peace IN"
My World Travel Map
Wouldn't it be awesome if I really could travel to all those countries? I would sure love it. Hm... someday...

visited 7 countries-
like to visit 77 countries
Create your own world map
An Update? Whaaa?
Yeah, I know, it's crazy isn't it? All this time I've spent in Tulsa, Oklahoma and I've finally gotten internet access to my apartment. Well, I can't say that it's been an easy year here in what I would consider a very foreign and most definitely unenchanting area of the United States (although, I have thoroughly enjoyed the sunsets here, whenever I can have time to see them).
I remember when I first arrived here in Tulsa with my parents. I remember seeing the Main campus of Spartan and thinking, that's it? Nowadays I'm content with the majority of my education here. I'm supposed to be learning how to be a technician. Really, they're just teaching us the watered down engineering version. I'd like for them to go deeper and get into the engineering, but I don't think that'd be fair to the students who are here to learn to be techs. Honestly, I do prefer designing rather than troubleshooting and repair. The class I'm in now (the one that is almost over) is Amplifiers. Turns out Doug Clarke, the instructor for the class, was a student at Spartan back in the day. Now he teaches Amps and E-Com (Electronic Communications). Fortunately for me, he's teaching E-Com next term after the summer "break."
Clarke has a strange way of teaching, but I love it cuz he makes you learn the theory by practical application. In other words, for Amps... we had to build a guitar amplifier that could drive a 6x9 car stereo speaker. I got mine working fairly well. I'll try to get a picture of the ghastly circuitry on the bredboard tomorrow and post a link to it. Just to let you guys see what it looks like. I didn't really try to make it look neat... so it's a pretty messy circuit in practice. That link above is the amplifier schematic. Clarke wants me to build an EQ to go with it and I only have a week to do it... fun times huh? hehe.
Anyway, so classes are going well. I'm learning plenty about Amps... and there's sure plenty to learn about them. I'm excited to go home though. The last day of class is the 23rd of June, which is only a week away. Our last day, we're going to the park and having a grill party. It'll be a nice kick-off to the summer break. I'm definitely looking forward to just going home and relaxing. Plus I get to see Frankie & Anna get married AND I get to see Zay :-D that makes me happy. I wish I could get see her more often but there's not a lot that I can do about that. I'm just thankful for the times when I do have the chance to see her.
Well, I think I've written enough. I may have to change a few things on here just to liven things up a bit though. Anyway, good night. Bonsoir!