Monday, August 29, 2005

Thought-filled Monday

Have you ever had those days where you just feel so very utterly alone? I bet you guys have. Well anyway, yeah... I have definitely been having one of those days. Something just feels very off kilter and I'm not sure what it could be. Maybe it's the thought that I'll be seeing Zay in a few days and that just makes me think about missing her more and stuff like that. Honestly, I think it's that and just missing home and friends from home and Taylor. Everyone seems to be having a blast and I'm just kinda dinking along over here not really knowing the happenings of anything anymore. I miss being intellectually and philosophically challenged. I miss having conversations with deep meaning... I've almost forgotten what it's like to even talk on a deeper level. No one seems to do that here... or they avoid it. Christianity (even though this is the bible belt) has a flavor of taboo here. Kinda like, "oh, you're one of them" attitudes. And then they don't talk to you ever again. It drives me nuts. This whole situation is seriously not healthy for me. But what can I do? I mean honestly, those people are right. It is that way down here. Christianity and hypocracy is such a problem down here. I've yet to meet a "christian" here that doesn't sleep around. Sad isn't it? Ah well... that was my rant. I don't think I have much else to say except, please pray for me! Perseverence is definitely a big thing, as well as faith in God's work. I have no idea what He wants me to do here. I've been here a year and I'm still jumping churches. Also that I'd meet some good Christian influences... big one. Please pray for Zay and I as well. It's been awhile since we've seen each other so I think this weekend will be good. Still though, please pray ^_^ I would most appreciate it. If you have any prayer requests of your own, please e-mail me. I'll be glad to pray or if I'm able to help you out in some way, let me know! ^_^

That's all for tonight I suppose, sorry if it sounded like I was whining. Night!


At 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) you were not whining. it's good to let off some steam.
2) if you kept this to yourself, i would have to hurt you (not really)
3) i know you know this, but i'll be repetative because repetativeness is good for you, tell people your problems and issues, IT HELPS!!!! :o)

missin' ya bro, i will be praying for your situation and other things! and have an AWESOME weekend! :o)


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, it's weird going back and reading these...while things are still kinda the same, they're somehow different. it's not the situation that's different now it's you. God's definitely done a lot in you in the last few months.


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